
Rehmat Ali Foundation

Free Medical Camp
Al-Rehmat Hospital Construction
Mobile Health Clinic
Vaccination Program
Al-Rehmat Clinics Construction
Health Awareness Program
Ambulance program
Pharmacy Construction

The best amongst you is the one who helps others.

Pakistan's declining health status reveals high mortality rates and wide inequalities in access to health care. Impaired purchasing power keeps them away to get the necessities of life. It is not a crime to be born poor, but it is a serious crime to leave them without treatment. There have been tremendous advances in child and maternal health in recent decades. More babies are living to their fifth birthday today, while fewer women are losing their lives during pregnancy and childbirth. However, millions of women and children still die from causes that could be prevented with quality health care and strong health systems. Communicable and non-communicable diseases, mental health conditions, injuries, malnutrition, environmental hazards: All pose threats to health worldwide.

Yet large inequalities in access to life-saving care persist within and between countries. Women and children living in poverty, with disabilities or in emergency situations are especially likely to be cut off from the services they need to survive and thrive. And the risk of disease and malnutrition increases during conflicts, natural disasters and other crises. Being conscious of the situation, Rehmat Ali Health Foundation is establishing a countrywide network to provide best healthcare facilities to the public, irrespective of their socio-economic status. Rehmat Ali Foundation aims to start these programs and needs help of humanity.

All healthcare projects ranging from a routine OPD check up to a specialized procedure, are aimed to be provided to the needy and poor for free.

Sponsor An Ultrasound Machine

Sponsor An Ambulance

Sponsor An Anaemic Pregnant Women

Sponsor A Birth Kit

Sponsor A Medical Camp

Sponsor BMI Equipment

Sponsor A School Child Health

Sponsor Computer

Sponsor A Printer

Sponsor A Delivery Kit

Sponsor A Doctor Salary

Sponsor A Fico Machine

Sponsor A Hygine Kit

Sponsor A Mobile Health Clinic

Sponsor A Malnutrition Children

Sponsor A School Child Health

Sponsor For Hospital Construction

Sponsor For Small Clinics

Sponsor For Pharmacy Construction

Sponsor Nurse Salary