Gender Equality & Empowerment

Equal rights and opportunities for girls and boys help all children fulfil their potential

Girls and boys see gender inequality in their homes and communities every day—in textbooks, in the media, and among the adults who care for them. Parents may take unequal responsibility for housework, with mothers bearing the burden of care and housework. The majority of low-skilled and underpaid community health workers, who care for children are also women with limited opportunities for professional growth. And in schools, many girls receive less support than boys to pursue the studies they choose. This happens for a variety of reasons: Girls' safety, hygiene and sanitation needs may be neglected, preventing them from attending classes regularly. Discriminatory teaching practices and educational materials also create gender gaps in learning and skill development. As a result, almost 1 in 4 girls aged 15 to 19 are neither in employment nor in education or training compared to 1 in 10 boys. Yet in early childhood, gender differences start small. Girls have higher survival rates at birth, are more likely to be on track developmentally, and are just as likely to attend preschool. Among those who reach secondary school, girls tend to outperform boys in reading in all countries for which data are available. However, the onset of puberty can bring significant obstacles to girls' well-being.Gender norms and discrimination increase their risk of unwanted pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, and malnutrition. Especially in emergency situations and places where menstruation is still taboo, girls are cut off from the information and supplies they need to stay healthy and safe.
On the other hand, child marriage (mostly of girls) is another factor of gender inequality in Pakistan. Deeply rooted in tradition, culture and customary practices, child marriage remains a widespread practice throughout Pakistan. Nevertheless, it is a serious violation of girls' human rights. In Pakistan, one in three girls is married before the age of 18 (Demographic and Health Survey 2012–13).

This is tantamount to stealing the innocence of children. From childhood, they are tied to an unwanted relationship that lacks love, reciprocity and success. Child marriage robs girls of their childhood and future prospects. Girls who marry are less likely to complete school and are at higher risk of domestic violence, abuse and health problems. Young girls aged 15-19 had the most reported cases of domestic violence in the last 12 months (24.3%). Child marriage also exposes girls to high-risk pregnancy, fistula, sexually transmitted infections or even death. Teenage girls are also more likely to die from complications during childbirth than women in their 20s. Early marriage also reduces a girl's autonomy. Every tenth young woman aged 15-19 has a say in her own health care, large household purchases and visits to her own family or relatives. Understanding the complex factors that sustain child marriage is the key to ending it. Girls who live in rural or remote areas, have little or no education, or fall into the lowest wealth quintile are most at risk. Many parents or guardians marry off their daughters because of their economic difficulties or to protect family honor. Social and gender inequality exacerbates this problem.

Elimination of Child Marriage:

Ending child marriage requires everyone working together to ensure girls have access to education, health information, services and life skills training. There may be many resources to end child marriage:
1. Political advocacy for policies that raise the legal age of marriage from 16 to 18 for both girls and boys without exception.
2. Using evidence to tailor interventions in areas where child marriage is prevalent.
3. Implementing support programs that empower girls at risk or girls currently in child marriage.
4. Improve girls' access to supported educational opportunities.
5. Improve economic opportunities for girls and their families through employment opportunities and support
6. Educate and raise awareness among communities about the harmful impact of child marriage on girls.
7. When girls stay in school, are supported by their families and communities, and stay healthy, they are much less likely to fall into child marriage.


1. Women Empowerment
2. Youth Empowerment
3. Child Empowerment
4. Widow Empowerment
5. Capacity Building Program

To help Community, Rehmat Ali Foundation is working in different programs

Sponsor Sport Women Activity

Educate A Girl

Sponsor Female Empowerment Program

Sponsor male Empowerment Program

Sponsor Paid Internship

Sponsor Widow Care Program